Amy, Calumet County

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Home / Treatment Foster Care in Wisconsin

Treatment Foster Care in Wisconsin

Therapeutic foster care helps Wisconsin kids heal.

Kids Can Heal From Trauma

Kids Can Heal From Trauma

CCR places Wisconsin children, ages 0-18, in licensed foster homes in over 60 county locations. Our dedicated foster parents offer their kids structure and stability in a stable home environment where growth and healing can happen. 

Each child has an emotional, personal story with different levels of trauma tied to their past. Emotional problems in youth range from mild to severe, and no two kids are alike. Our foster parents use trauma-informed care principles to help kids heal and grow.

Treatment foster care offers a higher level of support.

Children who experience prolonged abuse or neglect can develop a variety of traumas. Treatment Foster Care parents play a crucial role in assisting a child in building positive relationships and developing essential social, emotional, and behavioral skills. Additionally, the child attends school in the local community, allowing foster parents to collaborate with teachers and school staff. 

It takes consistent parenting skills, a supportive foster agency, and routine therapy to care for children with trauma histories successfully. Kids in CCR homes have an individualized treatment plan to assist with growth and healing. In addition, CCR provides continuous trauma-informed training for all foster parents.

Trauma is an emotional response to an extreme event or exposure to multiple events:

  • Emotional, sexual, and physical abuse
  • Witnessing family or community violence
  • Witnessing harm to a loved one or pet
  • Effects of poverty, including not having enough food to eat
  • Unpredictable parental behaviors
  • Witnessing drug and alcohol use

Foster parents provide a loving environment with stability and structure

Entering foster care is traumatic, no matter a child's age. Being removed from family, friends, neighbors, and school is confusing and painful. Subsequently, kids are often moved in and out of foster homes while in foster care. We hope that when a child is placed in a CCR foster home, it will be their last or only foster home. 

Read our Meet the kids blog to learn more about the kids and youth referred to CCR,

Every Child Deserves Healing

Every Child Deserves Healing


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