
Lisa, Eau Claire County

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Home / Blog / What it Takes to be a Wisconsin Foster Parent?

What it Takes to be a Wisconsin Foster Parent?

You may not know if you have what it takes to be a Wisconsin foster parent now, but rest assured, we can help you explore. Our staff will gently guide you through the important details of becoming a CCR foster parent. With the CCR staff standing behind you and the necessary education and support, you may quickly discover that you have precisely what it takes and will be a successful foster parent.

CCR foster parents have all the qualities to foster successfully.

Our diverse pool of foster families includes married, single, partnered, working, self-employed, retired, renters, homeowners, parents, grandparents, and childless. Each brings something unique and special to foster parenting, and all have specific qualities that allow them to successfully care for children with trauma histories.

Learning about the types of children that come to CCR is important. All children in Wisconsin foster care have experienced trauma, and trauma shapes a young child’s developing brain. Kids will have behaviors and emotions, and that is to be expected. First-time foster parents will experience highs and lows, especially with a first placement. This is why all CCR foster parents receive 24/7 support, including weekly in-home visits. We are on the journey with you and want you to feel confident and succeed in caring for children in your home.

becoming a foster parent

"After being licensed with our county agency and struggling to be successful, we transferred to CCR. The level of support and education we get at CCR is significant."  Rebecca, Janesville, WI 

Ask yourself these foster parenting questions before getting started.

  • What can you and your family offer a child in need?
  • What ages of children are you interested in fostering?
  • Might you consider fostering siblings?
  • Will your daily schedule allow for appointments and unplanned interruptions?
  • Are you interested in learning about trauma and parenting using trauma tools?

Foster parents are encouraged to meet kids where they're at.

Being removed from the home, often bouncing from house to house, is scary and overwhelming for any child or youth. A child accustomed to chaos, turmoil, and an unpredictable environment may find the "normal calm" of a home unnerving. New routines and rules might be complicated initially or for a while. Remembering they have lost their family, friends, school, and home in one single swoop! Can you be trusted? Will you be there tomorrow or next week? Will there be food available when they are hungry?

It will take time to develop routines and earn the child’s trust.

Being a foster parent requires patience and compassion.

Wisconsin Foster Parents

Our foster parents will tell you that it can take months for a child to "let you in." If and when that finally happens, some will pull away to avoid being hurt and disappointed again. Older kids may hurt you first by running away, pulling back, or refusing to let themselves be loved. Bonding and attachment may never happen; it won't be your fault. Foster parenting requires a deep reserve of patience and compassion.

It will often feel like a dance of one step forward and two steps back. Your emotions will run high, frustrations will happen, and you will question why you are a foster parent. Ask seasoned foster parents, and they will tell you it is all worth it. Like other things, you get more in return than you give.

Realistic expectations for foster parents:

  • Your family will feel disruptions.
  • Routines will require adjustments.
  • Meals may be chaotic for a while.
  • Bathrooms will require attention more often.
  • Setbacks will happen when you least expect them.
  • Sleep may be at a premium.
  • Groceries will disappear and be found in places where food doesn't belong.
  • Lying is often commonplace
  • Your heart may break, but it will heal. Trus tus. Becoming a foster parent

Beautiful, realistic expectations for foster parents:

  • Beautiful moments of progress.
  • Happiness when they make a new friend.
  • Joy the first time they let their guard down.
  • Breaking down communication barriers
  • Development of healthy, positive feelings
  • Pride with improvements at school.
  • They begin to trust you.
  • Sleeping through the night.
  • A critical breakthrough at therapy.
  • Watching fears dissipate
  • Trying new foods
  • Observing growth and healing

Do you have what it takes to be a foster parent?

We believe you do! Please speak with one of our professionals; many have been foster parents. Talk with current foster parents of Community Care Resources and scroll through our expansive Facebook page. It contains photos, stories, and information about CCR, families, and children. Facebook​



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