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How to Choose a Foster Care Agency

Let us help you explore how to become a foster parent in Wisconsin. When choosing a foster agency, the first thing to know is that it does not matter what county you reside in. The differences between agencies can be subtle at a glance, but when you learn the number one reason that makes CCR different from other agencies, the choice may be clear.

Choose a Wisconsin foster agency that keeps promises.

A team approach and promises kept are two reasons our families stay with CCR. 24/7 support is promised to all CCR families in all 60 Wisconsin counties that we serve. A friendly voice, not a recorded prompt, will answer your call during business hours. In addition, a Clinical Case Manager is always available to help in the evening or on the weekend. Each of our supervisors is also available to their team whenever needed. We promise outstanding support, and we are always available when our foster parents need us most.

One of the largest foster care agencies in Wisconsin.

CCR is one of the largest, most-respected foster agencies in Wisconsin. We currently have foster homes in 36 counties across Wisconsin and over 125 kids in care. Our foster parents can live in any of the 60 county locations we serve and receive round-the-clock support. CCR foster families are caring for kids in rural, urban, and suburban communities and receive weekly in-home visits by a highly experienced Clinical Case Manager. In fact, CCR is the only Wisconsin agency to provide weekly in-home support visits.

Becoming a foster parent requires asking the right questions.

A big factor in choosing the right agency depends on the age of the type of child you wish to help, their level of need, and what happens AFTER a child or sibling group is placed in your home. What will the agency do to support you and your foster children? Just because an agency is local in your home county does not mean that services will be plentiful and staff will be available.

Wisconsin foster parents deserve the promise of support services.

No empty promises here! We are very transparent about what foster parents should expect when they choose to license with us.

  • Honesty
  • Responsiveness
  • Communication
  • Dependability
  • Commitment

For 31 years, we have been providing our foster parents with outstanding support, above and beyond state requirements. Support services are why so many foster parents choose us and why they stay. The average CCR foster family fosters with us for a staggering 6.7 years! In the foster care world, that is impressive.

The first family to license with CCR back in 1996 is still fostering with us today! Dan and Colleen have been fostering teen girls for nearly 30 years. Why do they stay? Why don't they burn out quickly as so many foster parents do? We'll tell you.

Foster parents and foster kids need in-person support regularly.

County foster parents typically receive a monthly visit from their caseworker. Unfortunately, a lot can happen in a month. CCR foster parents know their Clinical Case Manager will visit every week and there will never be a revolving door of whom will visit. Employee retention is something we are incredibly proud of, and our average length of employment is 16+ years!

The in-home visits are designed to review the child's treatment plan, discuss challenges, get excited about the progress, discuss any weekly happenings, talk about behaviors, and much more. Case Managers spend each visit focusing on effectively supporting each family, including foster parents, biological or adopted kids, and most importantly, the foster children.

  • What do the foster parents need?
  • What must we address to help you effectively care for the kids?
  • How can the Case Manager help facilitate adjustments?
  • Are the goals for growth and healing being met?
  • Does the foster family feel supported?

Foster parents depend on experience and higher education.

Every CCR Clinical Case Manager must have a Master's degree in Social Work. CCR is the only Wisconsin Foster Care Agency with this employment requirement. Our case managers' education and level of experience are critical if we want to promote a healing environment for foster children. Visiting the kids regularly means the kids have another adult to trust and bond with. A qualified professional to help meet them where they are and take the necessary steps to allow for healing from trauma histories to happen.

Here is a testimonial from Kayleigh, who spent time with long-time foster parents Dan and Colleen.

My foster parents, Colleen and Dan (with CCR for nearly 30 years), taught me so much about myself, and I am forever thankful. My case manager, Ms. Wanda (at CCR for 24 years), almost always said something I didn’t like. LOL. But all of those things that she said helped me shape how I want to live the rest of my life. I knew that the best way to fulfill my future was to work through my past and what I went through. They all helped me do that! These three people are the main reasons I am where I am in life, and it was the greatest gift I could have ever been given.

Foster parents cannot do this work alone.

We hear from county and private agency foster parents regularly who are interested in transferring their license to CCR. The common theme is a lack of support and communication. This week, a foster mom licensed with her county requested the necessary paperwork to transfer. She and her husband have been foster parents for four years and continue to be frustrated. The transfer paperwork was sent out immediately; she returned it the same day, and the county had already received the transfer request. That is how quickly it can happen.

Support, communication, and responsiveness are what foster parents crave. We take great pride in the attention we give each of our families. Our dedicated staff is truly grateful for the fantastic families on board. We treat each one with respect, and we are humbled by their years of dedication to kids in need. Supporting our families is a joy and a privilege.

If you are interested in speaking with us to learn more, please contact us.




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